- Distance hesitation
- I feel too close
- I feel too far
- I improperly judge attacking distance
- Attack hesitation
- If I attack, I’ll open myself to counter-attack
- I don’t know how to mitigate a counter attack, so I'm afraid to attack.
- If I don’t attack fast enough, opponent’s debana waza will attack first
- I don't know when to attack
- I don't know how to attack
- I don’t know how to attack defensively, and I have no contingency.
- My attacking techniques are weak
- I don't know when my opponent is vulnerable to attacks
- I don't how to to make my opponent vulnerable to attacks
- Defense hesitation
- If I defend, my offense will be stale...?
- I don't know how to defend
- I don't feel vulnerable, but I'm still attacked without defense.
- What are counter-attacks?
- I don’t know how to counter-attack
- My counter-attack is too slow
- My counter-attacks are limited
- I don’t know how to defend offensively.
- Physical hesitation
- I’m too tired to make an all-out attack
- I’m tired of not being successful with my attacks, it feels like a waste.
- What’s the point of being tired and never making a point?
- I don’t know what kiai is for
- I don’t know how to use kiai
- I don’t know why I’m using kiai
- I don't know if I should even use kiai.
- I get tight and can’t attack
- I don’t know what signals I’m giving to my opponent
- I don't know what techniques to use..
- I don't know when or why to use certain techniques
- Psychological hesitation
- I don’t know why I’m not attacking
- I don’t know why I’m not defending
- I don’t know why I’m afraid
- I don’t know what I’m thinking about
- I don’t know why I’m thinking too much
- I don’t’ know what my objectives are
- I don’t know what my opponent’s objectives are
- I don’t know how to read my opponent
- I feel like my opponent can read everything I'm thinking
- I don’t know why I don’t know anything I need to or should know
External layers of hesitation – My opponents barriers of resistance that add to my own internal conflicts, to further inhibit my attacks
- Distance layer
- Opponent constantly adjusts distance, whether too close / too far, so that it inhibits my willingness to attack.
- But he's always in distance to strike me.
- Attack layer
- Opponent’s attacks are strong, and inhibits my willingness to attack
- Opponent’s technique’s are superior, and inhibits my willingness to attack
- Opponents attacks literally scare / intimidate me, I feel like cowering and just defending
- Defense layer
- Opponent is in a strong defensive position, and nothing is open.
- Opponent’s Shinai tip is always in the way of my attacks – I can’t get it out of the way.
- Opponent parries every attack and throws me off balance.
- Opponent counter-attacks every attack I make
- Opponent has no fear of my attacks
- Physical hesitation
- Opponent “wraps” or “locks” up my shinai, inhibiting my offense / defense.
- Opponent inhibits my attack by confusing my kamae
- Opponent intimidates my kamae with tai-atari
- Opponent weakens whatever feeling I have in my kamae.
- Psychological hesitation
- Opponent always has the upper-hand
- Opponent appears to have this "aura" or "sphere" of defense that I can't penetrate
- Opponent’s “seme” is strong, and inhibits my willingness to attack
- Opponent “seme” scares me
- Opponent’s kiai is intimidating
- Opponent’s glare is intimidating
- Opponent’s kamae is intimidating, i.e., jodan, hasso,etc.
- Opponent’s eagerness to defeat me is intimidating
- Opponent’s lack of regard for losing is intimidating
- I’m just intimated by every challenge in life
- I’m afraid of failure
- I don’t want to lose
- I don’t feel like winning
- I don't know what to think
- I don't know what to do
- I don't know what to look for
- I just feel like a punching bag