Monday, May 21, 2007

Things to work on

Yesterday, I participated in shimpan seminar as a volunteer kenshi.
Of the almost 10 matches, I haven't won a single one of them, and I only got 1 point total.
(and UG said that was NOT a valid point)

There were some common critiques and advices that people have been making about my kendo, so I will summarize below:
(HSKW sensei, SHRKU sensei, TKHSH sensei, OLSN sensei, UG, SPC, the 2nd dan girl from Torrence dojo)

1. I stop in the middle of the attack. (that I have no Zanshin)
So, my attack is not complete, thus my attack is not valid.
SHRKU sensei thought that I stop right after I strike b/c I'm afraid that I might get hit.
But, he said that I should not be afraid of those (esp. during keiko) but go all the way through.

He showed me how to fix it:
From Kamae, take 2 steps forward, then hit Men, then go at least 5 steps with fast Tsuriyashi.
In doing this, bring my left leg as fast as I can, so make my Tsuriyashi fast.
UG pointed out that everything has to be smooth.
After the second step (right before striking Men), I should not stop to bring up my Shinai BUT as I take that second step and going forward, I should bring it up as I go (smoothly).
Also, bring my Shinai right down (thus tip of my Shinai making a big half circle --- NOT pulling the Shinai forward a little then bring it down).

2. My stance is still too wide.
HSKW sensei said it many times and today TKHSH sensei, too.
Close the gap, then go forward.

3. I should jump forward, NOT upward.
TKHSH sensei said that I should jump forward NOT upward when I strike Men.

4. When I hit Kote, I freeze right after I hit it (thus making not going through all the way).
UG said that I should charge into the opponent's body --- NOT just freeze thus stopping in the middle.

So, I should work on these.
Additionally, I think that I think too much. I should just do it or practice it.
Less thinking, more action. Nike was right. "Just do it"

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