Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Things to practice

Ah...there's just too many...

1. Keeping the Center.
TKHSH sensei said that I should keep the center then attack.
The attack w/out the center will always fail b/c the opponent will block it.
I should constantly strive to get the center, then attack once I have it.
One thing I noticed myself doing while doing keiko w/ TKHSH sensei is that I always stop in the middle of my attack. I must go through and forward.

2. Swinging my Shinai in keiko.
I asked SPC how to do that small and fast strike.
SPC said that I should practice big swing of my shinai first (in suburi and even in the basic practices).
Then, I would be able to strike smaller and faster later.

3. Seme.
While observing my keiko w/ TKHSH sensei, SPC pointed out that I have no Seme.
He taught me one Seme:
While stepping forward with Kamae, go under the opponent's shinai then raise it up and hit Men.
It worked really well. I should work on it.
Also, w/ older senseis, maybe closer distance is fine. But, w/ younger people or same rank, I should have sufficiently further distance to impose my Seme.

4. Going Straight.
Many people pointed out that I hit everything from the side.
OSN sensei, TKHSH sensei, SPC, Richard all told me today.
My Kote, Men are all from the side.
I should hit them straight.

And finally, as always, don't forget to keep my body straight when I go in...

(hey what's up, Ray!)


Spencer said...

I know it's a little overwhelming but if you keep an open all the suggestions, tips, & advice,,,,,your kendo will improve. Just remember that it's not going to happen overnight.

JKP said...

Hey SPC,
Thanks for the comment.
It does seem so overwhelming, but I guess I'm frustrated because I want to improve a lot in a very short period of time.

I didn't feel this way before when I was young (probably because I didn't care much about whether I improve or not), but now I've gotten older, I guess I appreciate Kendo more and want to do it well (and do it right).

Thanks for your lessons and comments. I'll always keep them in mind~!