Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lesson: Do Not Stop Even If You Miss

(It's been such a long long time since the last entry -- for about 2 months?  Thank you everyone for your support...I felt very privileged.  So many lessons I've learned since then, and I don't know where to start.  So, I'll just start from the lesson learned from today's practice, and gradually include my past & future lessons together.)

After the practice today, Spencer Sensei told me that since I got my 3 dan now, I should start working on my kendo for the 4 dan test for the next 3 years.

He said that I stop suddenly in the middle of attack if my attack fails or the opponent blocks it.  He said that, regardless of whether my attack is successful or not, I should go through and not stop suddenly in the middle.

Also, if I attacked and bump into the opponent (instead of going through), then I should go for the tai-atari attacks.

He said that, in 4 dan test, if I stop in the middle of my attack, the judges will fail me.  So, I should develop the habit of keep going through (or tai-atari) instead of stopping.

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