Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lesson: Amazing Timing

Yamaguchi Sensei once said that it's not about how fast you are, but it's about how good timing you have.

Today, during the 1st Yamaguchi Cup, I was observing Shoraku Sensei and Shiono Sensei's match.

Despite Shiono Sensei's great techniques and speed (and also being much younger), Shoraku Sensei won the match with Do strike. I got to witness what it's like to have amazing timing.
(I also remembered observing Shoraku Sensei's timing during his keiko w/ Desmond Senpai who has lighting speed)

After the practice, I asked Shoraku Sensei how I can practice that timing. He said that I should "see the opponent w/ my body -- not w/ my eyes or my head." He said that he sees the opponent as a "whole" instead of focusing on certain areas of attack. He said that if I see the opponent like that, then I can see the whole movement of the opponent. He illustrated it as looking at the whole mountain afar instead of focusing a small part of that mountain.

I should work on this.

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