Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Lesson: Caution in using the big-thick shinai

I bought this big-thick shinai from E-Bogu long time ago.  After doing suburi w/ it, the regular shinai felt so much lighter that I thought it would enhance my strikes.

Early this year, when I brought the shinai to the dojo, Spencer Sensei told me, "I have this one too.  But, you have to watch out b/c this shinai makes you to use more right arm.  So, it might be good idea to practice w/ both your regular shinai and this big shinai."

At the time, I just made a mental note of what he said but didn't really thought about it.

Starting a few weeks ago, I wanted to enhance my swings, but I started practicing suburi at home w/ the big-thick shinai.  I thought, 'If I practice suburi w/ this, my swings and strikes will be so much faster and stronger...'

But, at the practice yesterday, I hyper-extended my right elbow many times.  I've realized that doing suburi w/ that big-thick shinai really did make me to use a lot of my right arm.  (Then I remembered what Spencer Sensei told me long time ago)

From now on, I should use the regular shinai to practice suburi, and reserve the big-thick shinai for an occasional suburi practice.

Lesson: Drill v. Keiko (Part II)

Today, after the practice, Takahashi Sensei told me that my kendo looks fine during the basic drills but I get sloppier (start to raise my back foot up when attacking, etc.) during keiko.

This is the 3rd time I heard this comment.  (the 2 previous times were from Desmond Senpai and Roxie Sensei -- SEE "Lesson: Drill v. Keiko" blog entry below)

I really have to watch out for my kendo and try to do it correctly and properly during keiko.

I remember reading a well-known sensei in Japan once said, "kendo is keiko."

Thought: Reminiscense

After the practice today, I called Sei-chan to the corner of the dojo and corrected his Suri-ashi and Suburi.  During the warm-ups and keiko, I've noticed that certain things about his kendo needed to be corrected.  

(Usually, I would not correct others (lower ranks) b/c I feel that I myself do not even do things correctly.  (Many bad habits I have...)  But, after I got my 3-dan, for some reason, may be b/c I now feel more responsible or confident in certain things, I see myself more active in giving advices to the lower ranks in very basic things that I know for sure.)

While teaching Sei-chan, I remembered myself many many years ago when Jae Choi Sensei taught me how to do things correctly after the practice.  In my memory (back when I was young and was a beginner), he didn't say much but would quietly explain things and let me try it until I got it right.

Today, I thought that, 'Maybe, this is how he must've felt...'

Of course, I said lot more and couldn't explain things very well.  But, I hoped that Sei-chan would become a good kenshi when he grows up.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Joke: Thank You!

(Right after Richard R. made that stupid-but-funny joke below)

Richard R.:  Hey Lui, what's "5Q" plus "5Q"?

Lui:  ....**10Q..??

Richard R.:  You're welcome...

Kiju:  PUHAHA~!!

**10Q (ten-kyu) has similar pronunciation as "Thank You."

Joke: San Kyu (3 Kyu)

(About a month ago, in the Costa Mesa Kendo Dojo dressing room, just before the practice)

Richard R.:  Hey Lui, you just passed the rank promotion exam last week, right?  What kyu are you now?

Lui:  **San-Kyu (3 Kyu).

Richard R.:  You're welcome...

Kiju:  PUHA~!

**"San-kyu" is also a Japanese way of saying the English word "Thank you" with heavy Japanese accent.

Thought: Chance to Attack (Part I)

This posting is in connection to the last one ("The Fast Kote and The Furious Men").

I remembered that one of the lessons I learned from Yamaguchi Sensei long long time ago was that I should attack right when the opponent takes a step forward.

Basically, in Kamae w/ the opponent, when the opponent takes a little step forward, "right at that split moment when he is taking that small step forward," Yamaguchi Sensei taught me to attack.

Over the time, I've learned through my own experiments that, in order to do this successfully:
1) you have to be calm and relaxed;
2) yet, you have to be in full alert of the opponent's every little movement (to know and feel his small step forward); and
3) you have to see his whole body (not just the target of your strike).

In that little split second when the opponent takes a little step forward is a slight window of opportunity to attack.  When the attack is right, during that small movement of stepping forward, the opponent cannot move and is unable to respond to the attack.

I've been successful occasionally, but it's very easy to miss that lightning moment.  But, the good news is that the chance keeps occurring each time the opponent steps forward.  Also, you can 'make the opponent' to step forward by stepping backward -- then the opponent will step forward to adjust his distance w/ you.  (But, do keep in mind that you cannot just keep backing up.  Must always ready to attack at the right moment even if you back up)

I should work on catching this timing.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lesson: The Fast Kote and The Furious Men

Last Wed., I have observed a great keiko between Shoraku Sensei and Desmond Senpai.

Desmond Senpai's timing is great and his Kote is 'unbelievably' fast.  A few weeks ago, I've seen Desmond Senpai doing keiko against someone, and Desmond Senpai attempted 6-7 Kote attacks and he got all of them (the other person just could not do anything about it).  Also, Yamaguchi Sensei once told me that "Nakamoto (D.) has very good timing..."  During my own keiko w/ Desmond Senpai, I also have attempted to avoid his Kote attacks or tried to attack, but I was never successful.

So, I was very interested in watching Shoraku Sensei v. Desmond Senpai.

At one point, after a long Kamae against each other, Desmond Senpai went for his signature Kote attack (again, 'unbelievably' fast and committing himself fully in the attack).  But, right at the beginning moment of the attack, Shoraku Sensei went for the **Men attack, and accomplished the attack.

It was in such a lightning moment, but I could see what people meant by 'timing.'  If Shoraku Sensei would've 'responded' to Desmond Senpai's attack, I'm not sure if the Sensei could've accomplished the attack.  But at the right timing, which is right at the beginning 'moment' of Desmond Senpai's attack, the Sensei went for the full attack.

I wanted to work on that timing (attacking right before the opponent's attack); and I wanted to work on that fast Kote like Desmond Senpai's as well.  

**While talking to Desmond Senpai today, I've realized that Shoraku Sensei's attack was actually Kote.  I couldn't remember clearly whether it was the Men or the Kote attack.  But, what's important is that the Sensei was successful in countering such fast Kote attack.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lesson: Proper Footwork When Attacking

Recently, I spoke w/ Yamaguchi Sensei after the practice.  

He told me not to raise up my right foot (just before attacking) in order to consciously do fumi-komi.  Instead, I should just do regular Suri-ashi and reach out far.

He showed me that when I consciously raise my right foot up in order to do fumi-komi, my right foot stops in the middle of the attack, thus only my upper body pushes forward but not my lower body.  It also shortens my attacking distance.

However, when I just reach out my right foot as if I'm doing a regular (but longer) Suri-ashi, it reached out much further.  The stomping of the foot should then naturally occur.  I should not consciously try to stomp by raising my right foot just before the attack.

Lesson: Fudoshin ("Unmoving Heart")

A few months ago, when Yuji Sensei gave me my shinai bag, which had "Fudoshin ('Unmoving Heart')" written on it, as my birthday gift,  he said, "that's what I want you to have...an unmoving heart."

Today, after observing my kendo, he said that I should be more calm and not get too excited because, when I get excited, my bad habits/postures start come out and my kendo becomes sloppy (and not clean/proper).

Once I lose my calmness and get excited, I start lifting my back leg when attacking and get tensed up when I turn around after the attack.  He said that I should maintain that calmness all throughout my kendo.

(The following is the definition from Wikipedia)

Fudōshin (Japanese: 不動心) is a state of equanimity or imperturbability (literally and metaphorically, "immovable heart" or "unmoving heart") – a philosophical/mental dimension to a (usually Japanese) martial art which contributes to the effectiveness of the advanced practitioner.


A spirit of unshakable calm and determination,

courage without recklessness,

rooted stability in both mental and physical realms.

Like a willow tree,

powerful roots deep in the ground

and a soft, yielding resistance against

the winds that blow through it.

Lesson: Seigan No Kamae (a.k.a. Chudan No Kamae)

Recently, I have been learning Seigan No Kamae (a.k.a. Chudan No Kamae) from Takahashi Sensei.  (He has been teaching this to me for quite awhile, but for some reason, I started really thinking about it recently)

During the keiko w/ Takahashi Sensei, it's always been that his Kamae is so good that I could never accomplish my attacks.  When I asked him what to do, he said that I should always have a good Seigan No Kamae.  If I have a good Kamae, that becomes both the starting point of attack and defense.  

I don't think I have fully mastered this, so I'll try to work on it but will write more about it in the future.  But, today, during the keiko w/ Richard R., I applied the Seigan No Kamae blocks and it worked most of the times.

Lesson: Drills v. Keiko

Recently, Desmond Senpai and Roxy Sensei both pointed out that my kendo during the basic drills and keiko are different.  (It was funny how the couple -- they're married -- told me 'exactly' the same thing in completely different times!)

Desmond Senpai (and Roxy Sensei also) said that my kendo during the basic drills (exercising specific strikes) are fine, but when it comes to keiko, my kendo changes.  I become more hesitant, indecisive and incompetent.  Even if I miss the attack or get hit, I should go for the attacks using the proper kendo with full energy.

My kendo during the drills and keiko should be consistent.

Lesson: Big Motion Using Shoulder

One of my many bad habits is that I strike just using my forearms(?).  (It is really hard to describe with words, but I'll try to draw it out next time)

Many people have been pointing that out, and I remember long time ago that Shoraku Sensei told me to swing my strike using shoulders.  In fact, he said that, when I do Kiri-kaeshi, I should use full shoulders and make big motions for each strike.  (Please refer to my past blog entry)

Recently, Takahashi Sensei pointed out that my strikes are very small, so he can easily block and prevent my attacks.  He said that I should use bigger swings using my shoulders.  He said that "in the long run, this will help [my] kendo to be a good kendo."

For some reason, it kinda clicked in my head.  (I don't know why and how, but it just did)
From now on, although not perfect, I try to use bigger swing using my shoulder when I do suburi, basic drills and keiko.

It is much difficult and tiring to use the whole arms from shoulders because the motion is bigger, more energy is consumed and I still have to be fast.  But, just like many lessons I learned from kendo that are being applied in my life:  I must do it the right and proper way even if it requires much more effort and energy.

Misc: Congratulations!

Spencer Sensei got 7th dan this month.

Congratulations! Spencer Sensei!

Lesson: Do Not Stop Even If You Miss

(It's been such a long long time since the last entry -- for about 2 months?  Thank you everyone for your support...I felt very privileged.  So many lessons I've learned since then, and I don't know where to start.  So, I'll just start from the lesson learned from today's practice, and gradually include my past & future lessons together.)

After the practice today, Spencer Sensei told me that since I got my 3 dan now, I should start working on my kendo for the 4 dan test for the next 3 years.

He said that I stop suddenly in the middle of attack if my attack fails or the opponent blocks it.  He said that, regardless of whether my attack is successful or not, I should go through and not stop suddenly in the middle.

Also, if I attacked and bump into the opponent (instead of going through), then I should go for the tai-atari attacks.

He said that, in 4 dan test, if I stop in the middle of my attack, the judges will fail me.  So, I should develop the habit of keep going through (or tai-atari) instead of stopping.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lesson: Ki-Ken-Tai Itchi

After the practice, when I asked Yamaguchi Sensei what I should work on (cuz I did keiko with him), he told me to look up the term "Ki-Ken-Tai Itchi):

"ki-ken-tai-itchi (n.)
A term which expresses an important element in moving for offense and defense; it is mainly used in teaching striking moves.  'Ki' is spirit, 'Ken' refers to the handling of the shinai, and 'Tai' refers to body movements and posture.  When these three elements harmonize and function together with correct timing, they create the conditions for a valid strike."

I should ponder upon this... 

Thought: Suriage Waza

I looked up the term Suriage (also Suri-ageru):

"suri-ageru (v.)
To deflect the striking opponent's shinai with one's own shinai, swinging it upward from below and contacting the opponent's shinai as if drawing an arc with the tip of the shinai (ken-sen), thus making the opponent's strike invalid.  There are two ways of doing this: one way uses the left side of one's shinai, and the other way uses the right side.  It is important to snap one's wrist when moving the shinai and to not leave a gap between the deflecting action and striking action."

Lesson: Suriage Waza & Breaking the Opponent's Barrier

On Wed., Jae Choi Sensei came and taught me valuable lessons.

1.  Suriage Waza

After a few keiko session with him, he stopped the keiko and taught me a Suriage Kote.
He worked on the one where I deflect the opponent's shinai from my left side and hitting either Kote or Men.  Although he taught me the very basic (where my shinai goes under the opponent's shinai then drawing an arc when deflecting), I could not do it properly, so I had to try many times.

After the first practice session, he asked Spencer Sensei to hold Kamae and evaluate my Suriage Kote by letting me hit Spencer Sensei's Kote w/ Suriage Waza.  When I tried, Spencer Sensei said that my Suriage felt "light."  So, Jae Sensei told me to hit the fat part (near Tsuba) of the opponent's shinai.

Jae Choi Sensei also said that I could also knock the opponent's shinai from my right side.

(After all the second practice, while talking to Yamaguchi Sensei, when I asked him how should I do Suriage Waza, he said that I should watch out not to swing my shinai to right and left -- in other words, make that clear arc)

2.  Breaking the Opponent's Barrier

While teaching me the Suriage Waza, Jae Sensei said:

"These are specific techniques you must master..

Spirit is good..Kiyai is good..hard work is good, but Kendo has specific techniques you must master..

Offense is manifested in different ways.. either by Ki, body movement or shinai.  But, they all are manifested through physical ways in Kendo.  Also, your offense must be focused when attacking in order to effectively break the opponent's barrier...

When I observed you during the keiko, you just stand there and cannot break my (the opponent's) Kamae (which is the defensive barrier).  So, you become frustrated and cannot even attack.. you just don't know what to do...

In order to effectively attack, you must first break the opponent's barrier.  To break that barrier, you must first effectively perform your offense with specific techniques to break that barrier (such as Suriage Waza).  To do that, you must work on your specific techniques each time you come to practice Kendo...

Each time you come to Kendo practice, you must have an objective of what to work on that day... Then, you must carefully master those techniques... and not to mindlessly go through the drills...

Suri-age Waza is one way to break that opponent's barrier.  But, also, you should be mindful that when doing Suriage Waza, after you break the opponent's Kamae, if your Kamae is also off, then your offense is not effective.  Thus, you must break the opponent's Kamae while quickly maintaining your Kamae (offense).  If you do the proper Suriage Waza (by making that quick clear arc), you can achieve this.

Now, some opponents expect you for the Suriage Waza and they counter your Suriage attack with Kaeshi Waza.  That's another area you should work on.  But, for now, work on breaking the opponent's barrier with Suri-age Waza..."

(It was not specific verbatim but almost all of the above is what he said to me)

His lesson was shocking to me b/c he specifically pinpointed the frustration that I was having with Kendo.  I should think about this lesson more.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Lesson: Tsuki

Today, I did a keiko w/ Nakagawa Sensei from OCB.

He did his famous Jodan, and kicked my butt.

After our keiko, from his Jodan stance, he told me to do Tsuki at him. (I tried the one hand Tsuki)
(I've heard from Richard before that Nakagawa Sensei does this to get used to Tsuki attacks so that he doesn't flinch)

But, surprisingly, out of (probably) 20-30 times? (I lost count), I only got a 1 good valid Tsuki, and I was keep missing the target.

Then, Nakagawa Sensei stopped my attempts and told me that I should use my right foot as a guide.  He said that I should step my right foot straight out with the tip of my shinai.  He said that, currently, my right foot was facing right, and that was reason why I kept missing his Tsuki to the side.

Amazingly, right after he told me that and I followed his instruction, I got his Tsuki right in the spot.

After the keiko, Yuji Sensei called me and said that I also should not try to aim for the Tsuki but bring it to the front naturally from Kamae.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lesson: Relax

On Wed., I saw Desmond Senpai showing Allyson how to attack Kote.  Although I couldn't hear what he said, by his bodily demonstration, I could see that he was telling her to relax the arms at all times.  He was gesturing relaxed arms during Kamae (thus implying that it is much easier to do the sudden attack), then suddenly attack Kote.

During my keiko w/ Hosokawa Senior Sensei, he told me to relax.

Just like any other sports or martial arts, the same laws apply.  Relax and be flexible, then apply the full strength at the moment of impact only.  Being rigid will consume unnecessary energy and will make me to be slow.  

Feed Back: (Lesson from "How to Attack")

I applied the lesson learned from the "Thought: How to Attack" post.

On Wed. practice, I reminded myself that I will not focus on my hands or arms at all but only focus on my feet and my legs.  Every time I attack, I focused on my right leg and stuck out my right leg forward first as fast and as far as I could.

After the practice, Takahashi Sensei told me, "you're Men attack is very good now.  You don't lean forward anymore but you have a straight back."

I was so happy.  I should focus on my foot work from now on.

Lesson: Proper Kamae and Sae

I asked Yamaguchi Sensei what is the proper hand position in Kamae, and the following is what he said:

1.  In holding shinai in Kamae, the first joint bone of each thumb (that connects the thumb and the palm) must line up and make a straight line.  If this is done, the tip of the shinai would slightly point to the right.

2.  When you strike, the deep part between the thumb and the index finger of each hand must line up and make straight line.

3.  When striking, you're suppose to squeeze the last 3 fingers of each hand and not the whole hand.  Some people say that you must squeeze as if you're squeezing a wet towel, but this is a misconception (and not true).  Just squeeze the last 3 fingers of each hand.

Yamaguchi Sensei said that the squeezing itself is an art called "Sae" and told me to look it up.
So, I looked up the term in the Kendo dictionary:

"Sae (n.)
The skillfulness of a waza, or the sharpness of its function or feeling.  When striking, one moves the right and left hands cooperatively, and tightens the te-no-uchi (way of gripping the shinai) instantaneously.  This gives the striking sharpness known as sae in kendo."

I said that I never knew all these, and I've been practicing it all wrong for the past 15 years or so.  He said many people don't do it right.  I said I'll practice and ask further questions.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thought: How to Attack

Generally, beginners or even the intermediate people tend to think that kendo involves mostly arms because we use shinai.  However, I've recently discovered that kendo is more of foot and leg work than the arm work.  (Yuji Sensei once told me "kendo is about 60% foot work and 40% arm work.")

When attacking, we usually focus on hitting that spot (Men, Kote, Do, Tsuki) w/ our shinai using our "hands and arms."  So, when I want to attack, I would start by extending both my arms as far as I could to "reach" that target as fast as I could (before the opponent blocks it).  This brought me 2 grave consequences:

1.  My body leans forward.
Because of my tendency to reach far, my upper body naturally went forward first and the lower body followed, thus making my body to "lean forward" (about 45 degree angle) every time I attack.  

2.  The opponent can block most of my attacks.
Although my desire is to reach in as fast as I could, the opponent can still see it and block it.  Because, the kendo distance is about 2 shinais long (the distance between my shinai and the opponent's shinai).  No matter how fast I reach, the opponent has enough time to block it.

So, the correct way is to go in with your leg first.  (Of course, this does not mean just reaching your foot out.  You must have that proper fumikomi)  Many beginners and intermediates tend to fall short of extending their legs far enough.  I find the "Fumikomi No Suburi" extremely helpful in fixing this.

So, during Keiko, when you have created that opening, imagine that you're bringing your right leg far far into the opponent's body.  Then, your body will follow and your arms w/ shinai will follow.

Then, your opponent will see you as you are coming in w/ your full force.

Lesson: Keep That Center

On Monday practice, Desmond Senpai taught me very valuable lesson.

In Kamae, you have to keep that center.  As soon as you lose that center, the opponent can rush in and will attack you (mostly Men).  In Kamae position, you must have your shinai straight to your opponent's throat and must not let the opponent move it aside or knock it out.  Because, the moment you lose that strong centered-Kamae, you're wide open and the opponent will rush into you (and you won't have any thing to stop that opponent).

(Below, I've added the lessons I learned from the past)
If you have a strong centered-Kamae, 2 things are advantageous:

1.  When you go for your attack, mostly Men, your attack will not be hindered by the opponent and you can go straight in.  In case where both you and the opponent hit Men at the same time, your attack will be valid b/c you attacked from the center and went straight in.

2.  When the opponent attacks you, if you have a strong centered-Kamae, your tip of the shinai will be stuck at the opponent's throat (Tsuki), so the opponent's attack will not be validated.  One thing to caution is that, if you become complacent and just keep that center (pointing to the opponent's throat) and just wait for his attack, the opponent will break your center or find your opening.

Constantly adjust your Kamae to maintain that centered-Kamae.  If the distance became too close for the attack, do not just step back little by little.  Step back and reset your Kamae.  Then, start your strong centered-Kamae again and look for (or create) the openings.

Also, do not be too stiff in trying to keep that center.  The opponent will tap your shinai and will feel how stiff your Kamae is.  If too stiff, he will start using it against you by pushing your shinai to one side and, when you react to it by pushing back against him, he will attack your other side.  (Hard to explain in words...)

Today (Wed.), during the practice, I applied this during my Keiko w/ Hosokawa Sr. Sensei.  During Kamae, I maintained my strong centered-Kamae.  And, when he tried to parry his Kamae and tried to take that center, I tapped his shinai to the side.  His number of attacks became noticeably decreased (usually, he'd attack me whenever he pleased...;p).  Also, when he tried to gain control of that center, I went around his shinai and attacked at other openings.

Many times in the past, many Senseis (including Yamaguchi Sensei, Hosokawa Sensei, Takahashi Sensei, etc.) have taught me this, but it didn't come to me back then.  (I guess it was not my timing yet)

But, on Monday, when Desmond Senpai told me that, it totally clicked to me.  Kendo is not easy to learn.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Post: I'm Back!

Ah...it's so good to be back.

But, I have to start my kendo from zero again.

Well, the lesson learned is,

"Do not stop in the middle
because you'll have to start all over again."

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Post: Will Be Back After July!

I visited my blog for the first time in a long time.

I won't be able to post any blog until the end of July.

I'll be back when I resume my Kendo practices starting August.


(Sorry, Charlie, I'll see you at the dojo in August and will start posting blogs again.
But, thanks for the feedback!)

Friday, April 04, 2008

Lesson: Go Through

I've been getting this feedback a lot lately.

"Don't go to the side or don't try to attack from the side, but try to go 'through' the opponent."

(I tried to draw what I imagined in my mind.  Hope this helps.)

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Lesson: Nothing Fancy But Just The Basics

On Wed., Jae Choi Sensei came to our practice.  He stops by once in awhile (like once a year), so I was very glad to see him.  Too bad that I was not in shape... (I missed practice for a few weeks, yet J. Choi Sensei, who practices like once a year, still kicked my butt...so unfair...)


After the first practice, I went to Yamaguchi Sensei and asked if I could improve anything.  He said, "Watch Jae.  His Kendo is very good.  He has very good timing.  The way he received Kiri-kaeshi was perfect, just the way I explained to you guys in the past.  He kept that.  He does nothing fancy but only the basics, yet his Kendo is very good."

When he explained this to me, Yamaguichi Sensei's usual soft expression and smile was gone but his eyes were unusually serious.  (I've seen this kind of intensity and seriousness from Yamaguchi Sensei only a few times in the past)

What Yamaguchi Sensei said kept coming back to my mind.  "Nothing fancy but just the basics."

Friday, March 21, 2008

Thought: Keiko

"keiko (n.)

Originally to study (kei) ancient times (ko), this term is used for the practice of bugei (martial arts) and geino (arts).  This word doesn't mean simply the repeating of practice; its meaning includes the importance of one's attitude toward the art being practiced.  The process of training is connected to one's way of life and to the creation of a new self, with the unification of the art and one's way of life being an important element."

-Japanese-English Dictionary of Kendo by AJKF

Do you Keiko?

Friday, March 14, 2008

Lesson: Go "Through" The Opponent

On Wed., I did Keiko with Spencer Sensei.
He stopped me in the middle of the Keiko and said that I'm going 'around' him after striking the Men.

After the practice, I went up to him for a feedback. He said that I should imagine that I'm gonna go "through" the opponent. I know that my tendency is to go to the side after the strike. However, I should imagine to go "through" the opponent.

Lesson: Bring Your Foot Right Up

On Wed., after observing my Keiko w/ Spencer Sensei,
Yuji Sensei told me that I could've had some valid Men points but I dragged my left leg behind
thus leaning my body forward and didn't reach far enough to hit the valid Men.

He then told me to bring the left leg right up after striking.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Good to be back!

today was my second practice in 1 month and half.  it's good to be back!!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Lesson: Teaching by Example

At this past Monday's practice, I've learned a valuable lesson from Kendo:  teach others by being an example.

1.  Lesson from Jerry B. and Yamaguchi Sensei

I did Keiko w/ Jerry B., and I played horribly (my Kendo was bad, I couldn't even hit a solid strike, and I tried Gyaku-Do and missed it and hit his arm really hard).  

But, after the Keiko, I met w/ Jerry and began telling him what I thought he should improve and would help his Kendo.

I came home and thought about it, and I felt really bad b/c:
1) I don't even practice Kendo actively (due to studying), AND
2) I didn't even perform a proper or good Kendo, BUT
3) I was telling him what I thought he should do.

I remembered my conversation w/ Yamaguchi Sensei after one tournament.  He told me that being a Shimpan is very important b/c they themselves have to constantly practice Kendo and know how to perform the proper Kendo so that they can validly and properly judge other people's Kendo.  A Shimpan has to know it for himself before judging others.

I thought about how I observe other Senseis' Kendo or learn from the Senseis who know their Kendo so well.  I was learning from their examples.  I should be like that to other lower ranks.

2.  Lesson from At-chan and Sergio

I was trying to teach At-chan how to tie Men, but Yuji Sensei pointed out that I was doing it wrong.  I also was trying to teach Sergio how to do a proper Son-kyo but Yuji Sensei corrected my Son-kyo and taught us how to do it properly.

Lesson learned:  (SEE ABOVE)

*To see the general guideline on proper Kendo, please check our dojo's blog.  I put a link to the YouTube video by All Japan Kendo Federation's instructional video (basics, intermediate, advanced).

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lesson: Seme with Heart

Whenever I step forward to have Seme against Spencer Sensei, he always seems to know whether I'm really going for his Men or just faking it (and going for something else).  Whenever I'm really going for his Men, he blocks it.  Whenever I'm faking it and going for something else (like his Do or Kote, he just keeps his Kamae straight thus making my attack meaningless).

I asked Yuji Sensei if that was because Spencer Sensei just has very good eyes to catch what I'm doing.

Yuji Sensei said that it's because I don't put my heart into my Seme.

He didn't say any further.

I should work on this.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Misc: Go! Costa Mesa!

This weekend is Kubota Memorial Tournament.

Almost all of the members of our dojo will be participating (except me).

Go! Costa Mesa Kendo Dojo!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Lesson: Suri-ashi and Zanshin

Yuji Sensei observed my Keiko w/ Kinno Sensei, and pointed out that I have no Suri-ashi and Zanshin.

In Kamae, while I'm seeking the chance to attack and observing the opponent, I hopped like a boxer instead of moving back and forth by Suri-ashi.  

Also, after striking the opponent, I hopped like a horse instead of gliding through the floor w/ Zanshin.

As for me, it takes a lot of foot and leg work to do that smooth Suri-ashi, so I tend to get lazy and just hop.  I should work on my footwork and perform that Suri-ashi well.

(I'm posting Eiga Sensei's Suri-ashi that I observed from YouTube)

Lesson: Relax

On WED practice, after the Keiko w/ Hosokawa Senior Sensei, I asked him if I should fix any problem.  He said, "Relax...don't be too tight."

I also remembered Richard R. told me few practices ago, "When I'm relaxed, I do so much better.  When I'm too tight, I can't move as freely as I wanted to."

So, I applied that to my Keiko w/ Shoraku Sensei.  I relaxed.

First, I completely relaxed both my shoulders in my Kamae, and I applied strength only at the instant moment when I was striking.  

Secondly, I tried to imagine that I did not have my Bogu on (thus freeing myself from the restrictions of the Bogu).  I could feel that I started to see wider vision (not only focused on my opponent but more area around him).  I remembered Spencer Sensei once told me of this --- "at first, you'll only see your opponent, but as you practice more and get more comfortable, you'll start to see more and wider."

I felt much better.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lesson: Practice More

Today, Yuji Sensei observed my Keiko and said, "you need to practice more."

Just like any other things in life: practice, practice, practice.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

2008: New Year

I should organize this blog better.
Happy New Year!