Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Importance of Stretching and Nutrition

Last Monday, I had a cramp on my right leg during the practice, so I fell on the floor and everyone was all concerned about me. (so embarrassing....!!!)

Lesson learned is that I should always stretch and eat properly and drink enough water.
(Especially now that I'm no longer young)

I realized that, ever since I signed up to try out for the SCKF team try-out with my age, Kendo became no longer just a hobby but a serious commitment for me. I should take it very seriously and do whatever it takes to do it right (including taking care of my body to maintain the optimal condition for the practice).

But, when UG made us to do continuous Kiri-Kaeshi and Men AND SPC made me to do Kiri-Kaeshi while he's standing still, I was very happy because it means that they're taking me serious now. Yea!!!

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