Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Active Learner

Spammy mentioned in his email that we should be active in learning kendo.

We should not wait for sensei to come and teach us, but we should seek the sensei's teachings actively.

Today after the practice, I asked SHRKU sensei how as my kendo, and he gave me some comments. I also asked UG, and he gave me some comments. I also asked Rich and he gave me some comments. Now, it makes sense.

UG said that senseis cannot come each individual to tell us because that'll take up everyone's time during the practice. And, during the practice, that's when we practice our skills. Afterwards, we should go to the sensei and learn. He said that many people just come, go through the motions and never really learn why and how.

Fortunately, as for my beginner stages, Spammy was always there for me to answer questions and tell me lessons.

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