Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Big Motion in Further Distance

I did keiko with Mr. Y and he seemed to prevail when we both go for Men at the same time.

I asked this to UG after the practice, and he said that Mr. Y pushes his arms forward, while my Men is too small.

He said that we are too close and Mr. Y pushes his arms forward while my Men is too small, so his power prevails my small Men.

In my mind, if it's too far, I felt like I couldn't reach him AND the opponent can see me coming already. But, I guess that's not the way it really is.

UG said that I must be further apart, and make bigger motion when going in.

If I want to use Seme as I go in, then I must be even further to take that extra step forward as I go in for Seme (then Men).

My Bigger Motioned Men will prevail the opponent's men.

I said I wanted to be fast, that's why my Men was smaller but faster in going in (thus probably lack of strength).

UG said,
"Remember, Speed and Strength will only get you to certain point. But, Basics and Good Foundation will surpass those and prevail in the long run."

Well said.

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