Thursday, April 19, 2007

How to Pick Up a Shinai on the Floor

Today, I had chance to pick up a shinai on the floor.
(Twice today)

I just picked it up while standing.

HSKW sensei corrected me, and told me that:

Pick up the shinai with your one knee down.


Spammy Pie said...

What?! There's a protocol for how to pick up a dropped shinai??

JKP said...

I didn't know that either.
But, it happened twice on last Wed.
I dropped my shinai once with HSKW sensei's keiko (so HSKW sensei told me the proper way).
Then, later, I dropped my shinai with Ray's keiko (and HSKW sensei corrected me again).

I shouldn't forget this!

Spammy Pie said...

I talked to Spanky about expanding my Kendo repertoire. I may pick up a few 37/38 shinai try my hand at ni-to.

JKP said...

what's nito?