Wednesday, March 21, 2007

One at a time...

Spammy came to practice today. But, I didn't get to practice w/ him cuz Yj called me to do keiko w/ him and then we practiced waza together afterwards.

But I got to work on Tsuki (thrusting) and Ai-Kote-Men (hitting the kote at the same time as the opponent when he comes in kote, then go for men).

Things I learned today:

1. I did keiko w/ Yamaguchi sensei today, and like Spammy told me, he constantly knew my openings. And, he constantly pressured me to see his openings and go for him. He didn't let me just stand there, but constantly came in to me.
That's how my mind should be like. Constantly looking for openings and going for it.

2. Spammy said that I should work on kendo little by little in each practice. I shouldn't try to do too many things in each practice. So, today, my objective was same as last time except that I added 1 more thing:
1) Keep the good posture.
2) Always have that going forward mind.
3) Don't try to block the opponent's attack.
(I wanted to work on my leaving left foot dragging, but I didn't get to work on that)

3. After the practice, Yj told me that when he watched me practicing w/ other people, I was good. My forms are pretty clean (although still dirty - meaning still sloppy) and I do what I want to do.
But, when I do keiko w/ higher ranks like Yj, he said he could see me coming b/c my attacks are so simple and foreseeable. So, I should be able to play the opponent now. I should upgrade my attacks and control the opponent in the way I want him to react. He said that he thinks that I'm at that level now.
I believe this takes more than just simple single attack, but now higher wazas. But, I was so happy to hear a compliment from Yj.

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