Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Stick to the Basics

Last Wednesday, Spammy told me to:

1. Always keep my posture straight.

2. Don't be lured by the opponent's attack by trying to block it, but keep myself straight. Even if I get attacked, look for the opportunities to attack.

3. If I get hit, get hit. But, learn from that hit and don't waste it. Always learn something from it. Always go to kendo with objective to learn something or practice the right technique. Don't just go and try to hit. Doing the right technique is better than just hitting the points.

4. Always have that forward feeling, which means, always look for the opportunities to attack even if I'm back up.

Yesterday on Monday practice, so I did.
Result was that, after the practice, Shoraku sensei came to me and said, "Keep your kendo. It is good."

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