Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Putting my feet closer

Last week, HSKW sensei mentioned that my feet are too wide apart in kamae.
(meaning, my Right foot is way too forward and my Left foot is way too backward)
Today, UG and NG also mentiond the same thing. UG said:

It should be shoulder width aprt,
Right foot step forward, Left toe starting at where the right foot ends.
(and back part of the Left foot slightly raised)

When I tried to correct it, it was so comfortable. I realized that I've been doing the wrong form all along and now when I try to correct it, the correct form feels so uncomfortable.

I told UG that this closer stance does not give me a stable stance. I felt like I could be run over by the opponent if he charges towards me. He suggested that just when I see him coming, I could either:
1. extend my Left foot backward to get that stable stance, OR
2. move to the side and do the Tayatari-Men backward.

He said, "use your head."

I should work on correcting this. UG suggested that I talk to PR about it cuz he fixed this kind of bad form.

I thought that it also might be the reason why I kept raising my back foot (Left foot) when I go for Men b/c my Left foot is already far back, so I could not reach forward enough.

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